
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a generally developed plant in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. It is a crawling vine that bears cucumiform organic products that are utilized as vegetables. There are three primary assortments of cucumber: cutting, pickling, and seedless. Inside these assortments, a few cultivars have been made. In North America, the expression "wild cucumber" allud
es to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah, however these are not firmly related. The cucumber is initially from South Asia, however at this point develops on generally mainlands. A wide range of kinds of cucumber are exchanged on the worldwide market.

The cucumber is a sneaking vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting casings, folding over backings with slim, spiraling ringlets. The plant may likewise establish in a soilless medium and will spread along the ground in the event that it doesn't have underpins. The vine has enormous leaves that structure a covering over the organic products. The product of run of the mill cultivars of cucumber is generally barrel shaped, however lengthened with decreased finishes, and might be as huge as 60 centimeters (24 in) long and 10 centimeters (3.9 in) in diameter.[citation needed] Botanically, the cucumber is delegated a pepo, a sort of plant berry with a hard external skin and no inside divisions. Much like tomato and squash, it is frequently seen, arranged and eaten as a vegetable. Cucumber organic products comprise of 95% water.

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