
The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is an individual from the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and the main known living types of the sort Cocos. The expression "coconut" (or the obsolete "cocoanut") can allude to the entire coconut palm, the seed, or the organic product, which organically is a drupe, not a nut. The term is gotten from the sixteenth century Portuguese and Spanish word coco, signifying "head" or "skull" after the three spaces on the coconut shell that look like facial features.

Coconuts are known for their adaptability of employments, going from sustenance to cosmetics. The internal substance of the develop seed, just as the coconut milk extricated from it, shapes a standard piece of the weight control plans of numerous individuals in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are unmistakable from different organic products on the grounds that their endosperm contains a huge amount of clear liquid, called "coconut water" or "coconut juice". 

Develop, ready coconuts can be utilized as eatable seeds, or prepared for oil and plant milk from the tissue, charcoal from the hard shell, and coir from the stringy husk. Dried coconut tissue is called copra, and the oil and milk got from it are normally utilized in cooking – searing specifically – just as in cleansers and beautifiers. The hard shells, sinewy husks and long pinnate leaves can be utilized as material to make an assortment of items for outfitting and enlivening. The coconut likewise has social and religious criticalness in specific social orders, especially in India, where it is utilized in Hindu rituals.

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